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Why the present document 
The present document describes how personal data of users are processed in this website. Data are processed in compliance with lawfulness and fairness requirements, in compliance with the applicable regulations and adopting proper security measures to protect data. Data will be retained for the time required to achieve the purposes of the processing and in compliance with the applicable regulations. 
This privacy policy is also intended as a summary notice, pursuant to EU 2016/679 to users of web services of this website to protect personal data that may be accessed electronically on: 

the opening page of this website. 


This privacy policy is strictly referred to the present website, not for other websites that users may access by clicking on the relevant links. These websites are independent data controllers (save as for the Company websites) and therefore reference must be made to the relevant policy. 

This privacy policy is also based on the recommendation n. 2/2001 that the European Data Protection Authorities – i.e. members of the Working Group set up in line with article 29 of the directive 95/46/EC – adopted on 17 May 2011 to identify a series of minimum standards on online collection of personal data, in specific procedures, time limits and nature of data. Data controller are required to provide users with the relevant information when they visit their web pages irrespective of the aims of the access. 


1 General information 

Caffeveronesi. (hereinafter also referred to as the "Company" or " Caffeveronesi ") hereby informs you that it will process your personal data/the data of the company you represent that you have provided in the form or after filing your form for the purposes listed in the following paragraphs. Caffeveronesi may only require and process data which are instrumental to achieve the aims of this privacy policy. 

2 Purposes and legal basis  
Caffeveronesi may process data for the following purposes: 

A.    to fulfil your information request and to contact you; the processing is based on the following legal basis: the consent; 

B.    to communicate your data to subsidiaries/affiliates companies and distributors of the EEA (European Economic Area), so that they can contact you in order to better process your request; the processing is based on the following legal basis: the consent; 

C.    to be compliant with the requirements pursuant to the legislation in force, regulations or EU regulations and for legitimate interests such as to assert or defend the rights of the Company; the processing is based on the following legal basis: the fulfillment of legal obligations and the pursuit of legitimate interests. 

3 Mandatory provision of data 

The provision of data for the purposes of point 2(A) of the privacy policy is optional. However, should you not provide data marked with an asterisk, your request will not be fulfilled. Failure to provide other data will have no consequences, except that such data may not be used to fulfil your request and to contact you. Data are provided on a voluntary basis for the aims specified in point 2(A) of this privacy policy. However, should data not be provided, your request will not be fulfilled and to contact you. The provision of data for the purposes of point 2(B) and consent are optional and failure to provide the data and consent will make impossible to be contacted by the subjects indicated. 

The provision of data for the purposes of point 2(C) of this privacy policy is necessary and, without these data, your request may not be fulfilled, you will not be contacted, and any further relations may be truncated. 

4 Data addressee categories  

For the purposes of point 2(A), of this privacy policy, Caffeveronesi may disclose data to couriers/shippers. For the purposes of point 2(B) of this privacy policy, Caffeveronesi may disclose data to the subjects indicated in this point. 

For the purposes of point 2(C) of this privacy policy, Caffeveronesi may disclose data to lawyers, solicitors, public authorities, the judiciary, the police, the post office (as the address is visible for the sending of any written material). Caffeveronesi will only disclose data which are essential to achieve each of the aims of the privacy policy. The data may be disclosed on behalf of Caffeveronesi, each for own role, to all subjects delegated by Caffeveronesi (Customer Service staff, agents, area managers also external to the Company, administrative staff, legal staff also external to the Company, staff in charge of the website also external to the Company, advisors also external to the Company – such as legal advisors, IT experts that may also perform the role of system administrators, quality service staff and staff in charge of the administration of the website – IT staff that may also perform the role of system administrators, external relations staff also external to the Company, mailing and enveloping staff also external to the Company and staff involved in the requests, also external to the Company, internal auditors, trainees, staff of Data Processors) and Data Processors (such as enveloping and mailing companies, IT outsourcers, and more in general consultants performing instrumental activities). The list of Data Processors is always available by contacting the Data Controller at the addresses indicated in point 6. 

5 Data retention 

Data will be retained by Caffeveronesi for the entire period necessary for the pursuit of the purposes contained in this information. The data retention period is as follows: 

  • for legal obligations, regulations and community regulations, data may be retained for the periods imposed by these regulatory sources; 

  • for the purposes described in point 2(A) and 2(B) of this policy, the data can be retained until the fulfillment of the request; 

in any case, all data may be retained for a period necessary to assert or defend a company right according to Italian and European regulations. 

6 Data Controller and Data Protection Officer 

The Data Controller is illycaffè S.p.A., having its registered office in via Flavia 110, Trieste, phone number +39.040.3890.111, fax number +39.040.3890.490, e-mail: There is also a Data Protection Officer available at the email address and at the addresses of the Company. 

7 Rights 
We inform you that the GDPR provides the possibility for the data subject to ask the Data Controller (at the above addresses) to access personal data and to correct or cancel them or limit their processing or to oppose their processing, in addition to exercising the right to data portability, as well as other rights contained in Chapter 3 of the GDPR including the revocation of consent, where provided: the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent given before revocation. 


8 Complaints  
The data subject can always lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority, whose references can be found on the website


9 Processing procedures 

Data may be processed on paper, manually, with IT and electronic means (therefore, illycaffè may file data both on paper and IT support). Caffeveronesi has implemented safety measures to prevent any data loss, illegal use of data, misuse or unauthorized access.  



We remind you that only for technical assistance needs data may be sent to companies outside the European community who are specifically designated as data processors by committing to comply with all the requirements of European legislation, also by signing the appropriate Contractual Clauses indicated by the Data Protection Authority ; the data are only a copy of those contained in the European servers. 


Type of processed data and processing procedures 
We inform you that the data will always be processed by caffeveronesi to comply with an obligation imposed by law, regulation or legislation and to enforce or defend a right of caffeveronesi. Caffeeveronesi may disclose data to public authorities, courts, police, lawyers/attorneys, post offices/shippers, if necessary.  


Navigation Data 
IT systems and software procedures of this website, in the framework of their regular operation, acquires some personal data whose transfer is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. 
These data are not collected with a view to linking them to their holders. However, these are data that, by their very nature, with processing and cross-reference with data of third parties, may identify users. 
This data category includes IP addresses or domain names of computers of users visiting the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of required resources, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the size of the obtained file, the numeric code on the reply status of the server (sent, error, etc.) and other requirements of the operative system and the IT environment of users. 
These data are used by caffeveronesi with the exclusive aim of collecting anonymous statistical information on the website use and to supervise its smooth operation, and they are deleted immediately after processing. Data may be used to determine any liability in the event of IT crimes against the website or, in general, against the Company. 


Data may be processed on paper, manually, with IT and electronic means. 


Data that users provide on a voluntary basis 

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of communications to the addresses of caffeveronesi (if there is not a special form that must filled out, including references to the relevant privacy policies) requires caffeveronesi to acquire the sender's address for the relevant reply as well as other personal data included in the communication (or in the relevant attachments). In this event (without forms that must filled out, including references to the relevant privacy policies), provision of data is not mandatory. However, should data or the relevant address not be provided, the relevant request cannot be fulfilled. By sending of communication, the sender authorises caffeveronesi to process data with a view to fulfilling the relevant requests. 
Caffeveronesi may process data, whether on paper or on IT support, both manually and with other IT or electronic means. 
Depending on services requested, users are in any case advised to familiarise themselves with the contents of specific privacy statements as may be found in the various sections of the site 


Legal Basis 
The legal basis is provided by the fulfilment of legal obligations (Italian and European laws) as well as the legitimate interests of the Data Controller in the relationship with the user. 


Notice and Disclosure Scope 
No data from the web service (i.e. the above navigation data) may be notified or disclosed (except for notification to the judiciary or the police, if required). 
As for processing based on the relevant forms in the website (i.e. registration), reference is hereby made to the relevant forms and any applicable rules. 
The data may be disclosed on behalf of caffeveronesi, each for own role, to all subjects delegated by caffeveronesi (IT staff that can also carry out tasks of system administrators, also external to the Company, trainees, staff of Data Processors, website management staff also external to the Company) and to Data Processors (e.g. outsourcers in charge of mailing, administration and maintenance of servers, website administration). The list of Data Processors is always available by contacting the Data Controller. 


About persons in charge of data processing, please also refer to the specific information contained within the site depending on the required service. 

Option to provide data and processing procedures 
For a complete information on the processing of the data by caffeveronesi, we invite you to take vision of all the information contained within the various areas of application of the data and all sections of this privacy policy. 


Cookies may be present on the website. For more information on the use of cookies, see the Cookie Policy


Specific Notices 
As already reported, this website includes other specific summary privacy policies in pages on services on request. Reference is hereby made to such privacy policies integrating this privacy policy. 

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